Aberdeen City Council offers a variety of support options for families who are experiencing financial difficulties. Below is information about what financial support is available for families with children at school. If there are other financial difficulties that pupils and families are facing, please contact your child’s Guidance teacher, or Mrs Jacqueline Munro (Acting PT Ambition & Excellence) as we may be able to help.

Free School Meals

Pupils are eligible for free school meals if their parents or carers receive certain benefits or income amount. Secondary school pupils are allocated £2.35 every day to pay towards a meal in the school canteen. To find out more information click: https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/education-and-childcare/school-life/apply-free-school-meals

Clothing Grant

Aberdeen City Council can, in some circumstances, provide a grant towards the costs of school clothing and footwear if you receive certain benefits or income amount.

The current grant is £100 for primary and secodary school pupils. For pupils aged 11-15 the grant is paid to parents; for pupils 16 and over the grant is paid to the student.

For more information: https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/education-and-childcare/school-life/apply-school-clothing-grant

Education Maintenance Allowance (16-19 years old)

These allowances are financial support for 16-19 year olds who stay on in full time non-advanced education after their statutory school leaving date (i.e. those choosing to continue on to S5 and/or S6).
£30 per week

For more information: https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/education-and-childcare/school-life/education-maintenance-allowances

Free Transport

The Education Authority provides free school transport in the following situations: Where a child is enrolled at his/her zoned secondary school, and lives three or more miles from that school. For more information: https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/education-and-childcare/school-life/school-transport
*If a family chooses to enrol at a school that is 3 or more miles then they cannot receive free transport.

Music Tuition

Pupils have the opportunity to receive lessons and learn how to play a musical instrument.

The Music Service does charge fees for instrumental lessons, however, free lessons are offered to children whose families receive certain benefits and there are also sibling discounts available. You do not always have to buy an instrument, generally, your child can get an instrument on loan.


Free Access to Sanitary products

All schools in Aberdeen provide access to free sanitary products.  A range of products are available in various places throughout the school.  Pupils will be allowed to take as many products as they need and are encouraged to take enough products to last over weekends and holidays.

Low income families can access free sanitary products at community venues throughout the City. A list of venues can be collected from guidance teachers, the school office or can be found here: https://www.cfine.org/sanitary-products